Friday, May 29, 2009

Shanghai....Another Fedex Adventure

It is just past 3pm now and I will be leaving Shanghai tonight after being here almost 25 hours. Today was absolutely gorgeous and a great day to explore Shanghai. The Chinese are celebrating the Chinese Dragon Boat holiday, which commemorates one of their philosophers who died in 200 AD, so there were lots of people about the city. These three young people in the picture, approached me in the Peoples Square (park) about 10am and asked if I was an American. Two of them were visiting a friend and were excited to meet someone who spoke English. I ended up spending the next 2 hours with them and it was like getting a personal history lesson of the city. They took me to a Chinese Tea house for a traditional ceremony (tea is very important in their lives) and then we all went to the Chinese Planning Exhibition Center and Museum. It was a great morning. I will have to include some of their questions as I write today's blog. I will say that the girls liked my prominent nose and actually wanted to touch it to make sure it wasn't fake! It was hilarious ...but they were very serious saying that many Chinese are getting nose jobs these days because it is so handsome. more comments about the size of my "snoz" as it is very special here!!! They are also facinated with our American history (and current politics) and was somewhat disappointed that I didn't know much about the World Expo here next year or what their President's name was. Since I know my flying future includes China, I will learn a little more about their history and will definitely learn some conversational Chinese.
My flight over (14 hours) was on a B777 and was very comfortable with lots of attention (food and wine). I had to mention the wine!!! However, when we landed we had to stay on board for another 30 minutes as the Quarantine Health Department all came on the aircraft and took the temperature of everyone on board as part of their "swine flu" prevention. There were 5 of these folks all dressed "head to toe" in Haz Mat uniforms, boots, googles and masks, taking our temps with a hand held laser gun. We then proceeded to snake through a huge line (twice) to submit our medical history forms and the second time to get through immigration. I finally got to the hotel about 3 hours after landing. When I finally came out of the Customs line, I was met by a Chinese Hotel Bellman (uniform, hat and all) holding up a sign with my name on it. He spoke good English and said he had been waiting an hour for me. He never complained while leading me out (up, down, elevators, etc) to the garage pickup point. I never saw him use a cell phone but when we approached the curb a driver pulled right up to take me to the Hilton (downtown Shanghai). I was amazed at this organization!! The drive in was interstate the entire way with construction going on all over the place. It was interesting to see that cab drivers routinely stopped along the highway to relieve themselves. I haven't seen this since my tour in Korea. Their economy is definitely booming. Impressive, considering it is a Communist country...but there appears to be a lot of change occuring. I do remember my 3 young friends telling me today that it was very important for them to learn English since America is so important in the world. It was refreshing for me to hear this.....
My travels tonight take me to Ghangzhou (Canton) which is about a 90 minute flight. I still haven't met my Captain yet...but I do know he is in the hotel. He is based in Hong Kong, so this will be my first time flying with him. I have been to Ghangzhou before (not many westerners there) but lots of shopping around our hotel. I will lay over there for 51 hours then take off for Penang Malaysia and the Eastern Oriental Hotel. That's the hotel that reminds me of a Humphrey Bogart movie....a real step back in time. I will take more pictures there. You can find these on my Facebook account if you are interested.
All in all....a good start to this 10 day trip. I wish you all were here to enjoy it with I will try to describe as much as possible in these blogs over the next week or so.
Blue Skies for China.............



  1. How jealous an I?? After reading that book, I can imagine you in Shanghai. Awesome that you met up with some English speaking people...I am sure it was quite the history lesson.
    love you and keeping enjoying your adventure

  2. Are you SURE your nose is real????

    That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Thanks for sharing dad. I love you so much! I just wish we could be along with you on these journeys. Enjoy your time. Love Love Love!
