Friday, March 13, 2009

Just landed in Penang Malaysia

The next leg was only 75 minutes and was into the tiny city/nation of Singapore. Again, the runway was huge and you flew over Malaysia (on final approach) with literally tens of thousands of palm trees underneath you. It looked like a giant nursery! When we landed and taxied back into the Fedex Cargo area, we went right next to these huge trees and beautiful bushes and plants. Right next to the taxiway. I wish I had had my camera available as I have never seen trees next to a taxi way before. It was awesome! The efficiency of the Singaporans (sp?) was a sight to behold. Of course, their English was superb and they had us ready to start and taxi in less than 45 minutes. I hear it is the best layover city in the Far East, so it will definitely go on my list of things to do ;-)
We took off (light weight) and I immediately climbed to FL 340 en route to this final stop of Penang Malaysia. This flight took us north again and across the equator. This airport is large although it only has one runway, and sits on a tiny island connected to the mainland and the large city of Butterworth Malaysia. Of course, all of these flights are done in "non radar contact", so you constantly have to give location updates with your position and altitude. Unheard of in the states! The final approach into Penang was magnificent. The mountainous terrain surrounding the airfield (sea level) goes up to 4500". As you came in closer you could really see the unique terrain and city of this little island. Malaysia was once under British rule, so everyone here speaks the Queens English. Most of the inhabitants appeared to be either Muslim or Hindu. I guess lots of Indians are settled here as well. Our driver met us at the terminal wearing a white tuxedo and driving a Mercedes. The city is jammed with people, cars and thousands of Honda 90 motorbikes! It is the headquarters of Intel, AMD, Fairchild, etc so the educational level of this country is very high. The hotel (Eastern & Oriental Hotel) has been here since 1985. My room has two suites in it and is all hardwood. The buffet tonight is all seafood with free beer and wine. Good thing I don't fly until tomorrow afternoon. Naturally, I took pictures of me signing the register, as I thought it could have been on a set from a Humphrey Bogart movie. I was and am impressed. Ok...enough for Captain is calling and I must share some of my southern hospitality with these wonderful people. My travels take me back to China tomorrow, so I know I won't be venturing out there. Thanks for being so patient with my descriptive comments. I simply want you all to see it from my eyes......and so it goes.......
love moose

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